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Welcome to the....



Here's how it goes. Ranks are as follows.


The Ugly One- This is how you start. Aw.

Whatsherface- Hey! You're moving up in the world. You need 100 posts and participation in 5 contests.

So-and-So- You have learned to overachieve like a bandit! 250 posts and particiption in 10 contests.

Cheerleader- Let's get ready to look so good! 500 posts and 15 contests.

Strongbad- Wow. *bows down before you* You're such a handome fellow. 1000+ posts and participation in over 25 contests!


To be in council: No council position (bar my own :P) is taken indefinitely. A council member can be replaced at any time. Impress me. Be active, friendly, and helpful, and you may just earn yourself a spot on the council! You can have Emily's spot. Yeah, I'm talkin' about you verdenda.

Site by: quatre_the_destroyer. Layout by: Serene Designs. Image Credit: AtPictures.